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Baby Gums Before Teeth Erupt: Signs of an Incoming Tooth

Dentistry on 88 • October 21, 2022

Did you know that some babies are actually born with teeth? While this occurrence is relatively rare - one in every 2000 births - it can happen. For the most part, though, an infant's teeth start to make an appearance around the four-month mark. 

During the first year of a baby's life, many will develop at least one tooth. However, it's not uncommon for an infant's teeth to start emerging around their first birthday, or even thereafter. There is no need to panic if your child still has no teeth by 12 months old!

But what do baby gums look like during teething, and what are the tell-tale signs of an emerging tooth? Find out more in this blog. 


A Rough Timeline of Teething

There are plenty of variables that affect when, why, and how a child develops their teeth. Each child is unique, which means there's no real way to tell how early on they might develop teeth. As a general rule of thumb, children can develop teeth from four months old, while most tend to develop at least one tooth around six months old. As a first-time parent, it's understandable to expect your child's teeth to erupt around this timeline. But the reality is that often doesn't happen that way.

What's most important to remember is that your child's teeth will grow and emerge, when they're ready. Over two-three years, your child will develop their first set of baby teeth, which includes 20 primary teeth. Most children have a full set of 20 teeth by the age of three years old, but this too can vary.

For the most part, an infant's teeth tend to erupt in pairs, with the bottom-two middle teeth emerging first. 

What Do Baby Gums Look Like During Teething?

A teething baby will display several different symptoms. Understandably, it's an uncomfortable process (think about having a toothache or sore gums as an adult!). For each tooth that breaks through the gum, these symptoms can last a good few days.

It's worth mentioning that all children experience teething differently. While some infants display an array of symptoms, others breeze through the process with tender gums. There are no hard and fast ''rules'' when it comes to teething and the exact symptoms, but some of the most common include: 

  • An increase in drool 
  • A heightened interest in sucking and chewing on just about everything to soothe sore gums
  • A red rash around the mouth, brought on by excessive drooling
  • Flushed cheeks 
  • Pulling or swatting of the ears 
  • A repressed appetite 
  • Rubbing of the cheeks 
  • Easily irritated or frustrated 

When it comes to your baby's gums, they tend to look inflamed/swollen and a little more red than usual. You might even be able to see a faint whiteness at the gum line where the tooth is about to cut through. If you touch the area it should feel rigid. As the tooth breaks through, it will feel sharp to the touch.

There are certain symptoms that are not normal during teething. If your child has a fever, diarrhea, or a rash other than one around the mouth, this is most likely the result of something else. If they're particularly cranky or lethargic, book an appointment with your pediatrician.


How To Comfort Your Teething Baby 

Teething is a period in every child's life that parents might dread, and understandably so. If your child really struggles, it's super stressful because you might feel helpless in trying to ease their discomfort. Just know that teething is temporary and it will pass. If your child is in visible discomfort, here are a few proven remedies that could help a teething baby: 

  • Give your baby something cool to suck or gnaw on. This might include a cold washcloth, a teething ring placed in the fridge for a while, or a chilled spoon 
  • Massage your baby's gums with your index finger -- just make sure your hands are clean and always use light pressure
  • Give your child a teething toy to chew on. This includes soft toys that are non-toxic and BPA-free 
  • If your child eats solids or is interested in them, give them hard, cold food to suck on. An example is a piece of chilled cucumber, apple, or carrot 
  • To keep your baby's skin dry and prevent a drool rash, use a drool cloth or bib and wipe away the drool as often as you can 

There are also over-the-counter medications you can use if your child is particularly fussy and cannot sleep. Some of these include ibuprofen or Tylenol. Just make sure to avoid medications that contain lidocaine or benzocaine.

When To Begin Tooth Brushing

Yes, it's time to start brushing your child's teeth as soon as they make an appearance -- even if it's just one tooth. Here are a few tips to help you start and maintain a good oral hygiene regimen with your child: 

  • Invest in a baby-friendly fluoride toothpaste and toothbrush (ask your dentist for recommendations)
  • Only use a grain-sized bit of toothpaste for each brush 
  • Brush your child's teeth/tooth once in the morning and after their last meal of the day (where possible) 
  • Once they turn three, you can increase to a pea-sized amount of toothpaste 

It's important to monitor your child's teeth-brushing habits until they're about eight years old. This way you can ensure they don't use too much toothpaste, spit out excess toothpaste, and always brush thoroughly.

When To Book a Checkup With Your Dentist in Bradford, Ontario 

Is it necessary to book your child a dentist appointment, even if they only have one tooth? Absolutely! Ideally, you should schedule a general checkup once your child has their first tooth, or by their first birthday.

Your dentist will perform a routine inspection of their baby gums to ensure all teeth are developing as they should. They will also look for any signs of potential dental issues, and offer advice on good oral hygiene practices for infants and toddlers.

It's a good idea to get to know your local dentist from an early age in order to establish a comfortable relationship for future dental visits. If you're looking for a dentist in Bradford, Ontario, get in touch with Dentistry on 88 to book an appointment. 

By Dentistry on 88 March 14, 2025
Thumb-sucking is a natural and common behavior in infants, with about three-quarters of babies sucking their thumbs during their first year of life. This comforting habit helps them self-soothe and feel secure. However, when thumb-sucking continues beyond infancy, it can lead to dental issues that affect your child's long-term oral health. At Dentistry on 88, we understand the concerns parents may have about their child's dental development. In this blog post, we'll explore how thumb-sucking can impact your child's teeth, when it becomes problematic, and provide helpful tips on how to encourage your little one to stop. Let's get started with these dental health tips. What Is Thumb-Sucking? Thumb-sucking is a reflexive action that many babies and young children use to comfort themselves . It's a natural and instinctive behavior that begins in the womb and often continues after birth. Most infants will suck their thumbs to calm down, fall asleep, or simply as a source of comfort when they are feeling stressed or insecure. This habit is perfectly normal during the first few months of life and is a way for children to self-soothe. However, as children grow, thumb-sucking can become a repetitive habit that lasts longer than necessary. If it continues past the age of three, when permanent teeth begin to come in, it can lead to dental problems. Prolonged thumb-sucking can interfere with the proper alignment of the teeth and affect the development of the jaw. While it's normal for infants, parents should monitor their child's thumb-sucking habits as they grow to avoid future dental complications. Dental Problems From Thumb-Sucking The impact of thumb-sucking on teeth can be significant if the habit continues beyond the age of three. As noted above, while it's common for infants and toddlers to engage in this behavior, prolonged thumb-sucking can cause various dental issues as permanent teeth begin to emerge. One of the most common problems is tooth misalignment. Thumb-sucking can push the front teeth outward, leading to an overbite or open bite . It can also affect the shape and growth of the roof of the mouth, which can impact how the teeth come together. In addition to misalignment, thumb-sucking may put pressure on the jaw, which can affect its development. Over time, this can result in bite problems that may require orthodontic treatment. The longer the habit persists, the greater the likelihood of these dental issues, which is why it's important to address thumb-sucking early to avoid complications later on. When Should Thumb-Sucking Stop? Thumb-sucking should ideally stop by the time a child reaches the age of three. By this age, most children have started to develop their permanent teeth , which makes it a crucial time to address the habit. If thumb-sucking continues past this stage, it can begin to interfere with the growth and alignment of the teeth and jaw. While some children may naturally stop on their own, others may need encouragement or strategies to help break the habit. If thumb-sucking continues into the early school years, it can lead to more noticeable dental problems that may require orthodontic treatment later. Parents should watch for signs that the habit is becoming more than just a temporary comfort and consider intervening if necessary. If you're concerned about your child's thumb-sucking, it's a good idea to discuss it with your dentist . Our team can provide guidance on how to help your child stop before it affects their oral health. Tips for Breaking the Habit Breaking the habit of thumb-sucking can take time and patience, but with the right approach, it's possible. One effective method is using positive reinforcement. Encouraging your child with praise and rewards for not sucking their thumb can help motivate them to stop. Gentle reminders are also important, so if you notice your child sucking their thumb, calmly remind them to stop. You should avoid using punishment, as it may cause stress or anxiety, which could make the habit harder to break. Instead, try to redirect their attention to something else. Offering alternatives is another strategy. Thumb-sucking is often a way for children to self-soothe, so providing a soft blanket, stuffed animal, or another comforting item can help reduce the need for thumb-sucking. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can also help. Try replacing thumb-sucking with activities like reading a book or listening to soothing music before bed. If the habit continues, it may be time to consult your dentist. As noted above, at Dentistry on 88, we can offer guidance and support to help break the habit before it affects your child's dental health. With patience and consistency, you can help your child stop thumb-sucking and maintain a healthy smile . How We Can Help at Dentistry on 88 Here at Dentistry on 88 , we understand how challenging it can be for both parents and children when it comes to breaking the thumb-sucking habit. Our team is here to support you every step of the way. If you're concerned about your child's dental health, we offer comprehensive evaluations to assess any potential effects thumb-sucking may have on their teeth and jaw development. Dr. Virani and our experienced team can provide personalized advice and strategies tailored to your child's needs. We'll help you understand the impact of prolonged thumb-sucking and offer recommendations to prevent dental issues down the road. If necessary, we can also discuss gentle interventions or referrals to specialists who can further assist with breaking the habit. Our goal is to ensure your child's smile stays healthy and beautiful for years to come.  Maintain Oral Hygiene for Kids To sum up, it's important to take steps to prevent thumb-sucking before it affects your child's dental health. Early intervention can help avoid long-term issues with teeth and jaw development. Our team at Dentistry on 88 is dedicated to supporting parents in ensuring the best possible care for their child's smile. If you're concerned about thumb-sucking or have questions about your child's oral health, schedule an appointment with us . Our team is here to provide expert advice and guidance on all aspects of children's oral care.
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