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Laser Dentistry

laser dentistry

Laser Dentistry In Bradford, ON

Dentistry on 88 offers some dental services through the use of a laser. Our practice has a C02 Laser -class IV surgical laser—that emits light energy at 10 600 nm. Lasers can be used in dentistry for the following procedures:

  • Surgical and Non-surgical Gum Treatment (removes biofilm at and below the gum surfaces)
  • Fixed Prosthodontics (fabrication of crowns, veneers, and bridges)
  • Implantology (exposing implants so that a crown/tooth can be placed over it)
  • Removable Prosthetics (allowing proper space to be created to accommodate dentures)
  • Pediatric Dentistry (removal of excess gum tissue in the lip and tongue areas and any gum tissue impeding tooth eruption. This helps in improving children’s speech, phonetics, and ability to chew different foods).
  • Oral Surgery/Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology (removal of pathologic lesions, performance of biopsies)
  • Cosmetics/Esthetics (Recontour gum tissue to help eliminate a gummy smile and create natural smile esthetics)
  • Desensitization (relieving pain/sensitivity)

Getting Started

Give us a call if you would like to learn more.

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Laser Dentistry


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