• What is the name of the dental office?

    Dentistry on 88

  • What is the address of the dental office?

    502 Holland Street West Unit 3,

    Bradford, ON  L3Z 0A2, Canada

  • What are the office hours of the dental office?

    Monday: 11AM - 7PM

    Tuesday: 10AM - 6PM

    Wednesday: 11AM - 7PM

    Thursday: 10AM - 6PM

    Friday: Closed

    Saturday: 9AM - 3PM

    Sunday: 9AM - 3PM

  • What is the phone number of the dental office?

  • What is the office email address?

  • What is the name of the dentist at Dentistry on 88?

    Dr. Arif Virani

  • Who is available to provide emergency dental care at Dentistry on 88?

    Dr. Arif Virani

  • How long has Dentistry on 88 been in business?

    Since September 15, 2019

  • How long are appointments?

    Appointments can vary depending on the nature of the treatment rendered.  Generally, our new patient exam, x-rays and cleaning take longer as we perform a comprehensive checkup and patient consultation in the first appointment.  Our 3,4 and 6 month recare appointments can take an hour.  Fillings, root canals, extractions, crowns, implant surgeries, gum grafting and other dental procedures are all allocated different times depending on the number of teeth being involved and how extensive the treatment is required.

  • Where do I go to see the Dentistry on 88 office?

    Located in the plaza with the Starbucks and Zehrs grocery store. Our address is: 502 Holland Street West Unit 3, Bradford, ON  L3Z 0A2, Canada

  • Where do I make an appointment?

  • Where can I find more information about Dentistry on 88?

  • What methods of payment are accepted?

    Direct Insurance Billing


    Credit Card

    Debit Card

  • What services does Dentistry on 88 offer?

    General Dentistry and Family Dentistry

    Emergency Dentistry

    Dental Cleaning

    Teeth Whitening

    Wisdom Tooth Extraction

    Root Canal Treatment

    Invisalign Clear Braces

    Dental Crowns

    Dental Implants

    Dental Bridges

    Dental Fillings & Bonding

    Gum Grafting

    Dentistry For Kids

    Laser Dentistry

  • What is the price of the services offered by Dentistry on 88?

    Our prices follow the Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide.  Please check our webpage for any specials and discounts that may be offered.

  • What is the payment policy?

    Payment and co-payment is collected at the time of service.  We offer payment plans as needed.  However, patients are required to leave a credit card on file for such payment plans.

  • What is the cancellation policy?

    We require at least 48 hours notice to cancel/change a dental appointment without incurring a late cancellation fee. 

  • What is the policy on scheduling appointments?

    Appointments can be scheduled by phone, e-mail, text message or by requesting an appointment.  We strive to schedule patients as soon as we can, however appointment availability does play a factor when scheduling appointments. 

  • What is the policy on emergency appointments?

    It is our goal to schedule emergency appointments either on the same day or within 48 hours.  

  • What is the policy on follow-up?

    Patients that have extensive treatment and who were in the chair for a long appointment are given a care call the next business day.  Some treatments require multiple follow-ups and care calls.  Patients who request an additional follow-up appointment are given one at no charge.  

  • What is the policy on missed appointments?

    We understand circumstances and situations that arise in our personal and professional lives that can affect attendance at dental appointments.  In that case, we try to accommodate patients who prefer to come on another day or at another time as circumstances arise.  However, we appreciate 48 hours to accommodate such changes as it allows our administrative staff enough time to contact other patients to fill an open time slot.

  • What is the policy on treatment of patients with special needs?

    Patients with special needs are provided treatment at Dentistry on 88.  We take time to develop positive connections with all our patients, including those with special needs.  Once we establish a trusting and positive interaction, we gradually ease them into the various treatments required.  Each visit is tailored to building their confidence in the dental office, and enhancing their understanding of their oral health care needs.

  • What is the new patient policy?

    New patients are required to complete a new patient intake form that provides the dentist with their medical and dental histories.  The form is structured to provide the dentist information to understand the integration of their general health with their oral health needs.  Dental insurance information is collected at the time of registering as a new patient.  All new patients who have insurance are given the opportunity for direct insurance billing and the administrative staff gathers a full insurance breakdown. Electronic and mailed treatment estimates are sent prior to each appointment to assist patients to understand insurance coverage and co-payment fees for subsequent treatment.

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